Pension record – Patience A Roberts – Arrears of Widows Pension

Amanuensis Monday

Extract by Don Taylor – 9 Jan 2017

It is always really nice when you find a document that confirms key vital facts.  The “Arrears of Widow’s Pension” used to determine the payment provides birthdates and a confirmation date indicating the date one day before the individual’s 16th birthday.  Great confirmation of the information to assure I’m not reading a birthdate incorrectly.


ACT OF JUNE 7, 1888

Pensioner: Patience A Roberts -Soldier: Asa Roberts

P.O. Benton –  Rank Pvt Co. “I.”

County Franklin, State Ills  –  Regiment 31st Ills, Vol. Inf.

Allow arrears of pensions at the rate of $12- per munch from Oct 9, 1889, and ending Oct 30, 1887….

and two dollars a month additional for each child, as follows:

  • Charles W Born Jul 5, 1873, Sixteen July 4, 1889
  • Rosa D. Born May 26, 1875, Sixteen, May 25, 1891
  • Florence E Born Jan 21, 1880, Sixteen, Jan 20, 1896
  • Hugh E Born July 2, 1884, Sixteen, Jul 1, 1900

Was pensioned May 29, 1899, at $12 per month from Oct 31, 1887, and $2 for each child stated above.

Submitted for Allowance Nov. 12, 1888

W L. White

Approved Nov 15, 1888, Approved Nov. 17, 1888

Broadus Curtis

Legal reviewerRe-Reviewer

Facts identified.

  • Asa was a private in Company I, 31st Illinois Volunteer Infantry
  • Patrice A. Roberts was living in Benton, Franklin County, Illinois in November 1888.
  • Charles W. [Roberts] was born on July 5, 1873, and was living in November 1888.
  • Rosa D. [Roberts] was born on May 26, 1875, and was living in November 1888.
  • Florence E. [Roberts] was born on Jan 21, 1880, and was living in November 1888.
  • Hugh E [Roberts] was born on July 2, 1884, and was living in November 1888.

Pension record - Patience A Roberts - Arrears of Widows Pension

Pension record – Patience A Roberts – Arrears of Widows Pension


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