Ancestry Hints and Timothy Munsell

Darling Research
Treasure Chest Thursday

Email saying I have 7 new hints on Darling-HuberI love those Ancestry hints.  I received another message that I had hints in my Darling-Huber research. This time regarding my wife’s 4th great-grandfather, Timothy Munsell.  Because it was a direct ancestor, I jumped at the chance to investigate and see what they had. (See Three approaches to Ancestry Hints for why.)

1790 Census

Because of the 1790 Census,

1790 Census Timothy Munsell - 1 3-2

1790 Census
Timothy Munsell

Timothy Munsell  – 1  3  2

Free White Persons – Males – 16 and over: 1
Free White Persons – Males – Under 16:  3
Free White Persons – Females: 2

I was fairly sure that:

The one male 16 and over was clearly Timothy.

I was fairly certain the two females identified were his wife, Eleshiba, and his 10-year-old daughter Sally Ann.

That left three males under 16 (born between 1773 and 1790) that I didn’t know who they were. I had entered them into my system as sundry relations, “unknown” with a note they were possibly sons of Timothy Munsell.

Timothy and Eleshiba had another son that I knew about, William, but he was born in January of 1770 and thus would have been 20 during 1790 census. I just figured he wasn’t at home any longer.

Ancestry Hint

The Ancestry Hint brought me to “Connecticut Town Birth Records, pre-1870 (Barbour Collection) – Lyme Vital Records 1667-1852” – Pages 172 and 173 provided names and birthdates for the children:

All entries are per Vol 1, Page 150 – Items bolded were new bits of information for me.

Anna, d. Timothy & Elishaba, b. Sept 7, 1775; d. June 18, 1777
James, s. Timothy & Elishabe, b. June 28, 1773
John Andross, s. Timothy & Elishaba, b. July 9, 1781
Sally Ann, d. Timothy & Elishabe, b. Oct 23, 1784
Timothy, s. Timothy & Elishabe, b. Apr/ 16, 1778
William, s. Timothy & Elishaba. b. Jan 24, 1770, at New London

So, I learned the names and birthdates of the three previously unknown children and confirmed they were the children of Timothy and Elishabe. I also learned of a sixth child, Anna, that died when only two years old.

One more thing, I also learned that Timothy’s parents were John and Mary (I knew his father was John before this). And now know he was born Nov. 24, 1745. (Before, I had he was born “before 1752.”

Timothy, s. John & Mary, b. Nov. 24, 1745            L-6      156

Treasure Chest This Ancestry hint provided new information; it confirmed other information regarding a direct ancestor, and it identified two new ancestors. That is what I cal a real genealogical Treasure Chest.

Follow-up Actions

Get copies of registration pages and not rely upon printed transcription in the book.

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