Tag Archives: PhotoID
Sawyer, Schofield, Sedgley, & Selberg
I identified all five people in this week’s photo sets:
Gladys E Sawyer (née Pride), circa 1935
Lawrence Sawyer, Jr., circa 1934.
Virginia Schofield, circa 1936.
Beatrice Sedgley, Student Nurse, circa 1934.
Ernestine Selberg, circa 1935. Continue reading
Galusha, Ryder, Salamone, Sawyer
This week, I identified six people from five photo sets:
Elizabeth R Galusha, circa 1935,
Richard Scott Ryder, circa 1935.
Anne Salamone, circa 1935,
Ralph Salamone, circa 1935,
Carleen Sawyer & Marguerite Sawyer (née Weymouth), circa 1935. Continue reading
Carlstrom, Rowell, Roy, Rush, & Ryder
This week, I identified four of five people in my photo sets:
Virginia Carlstrom, circa 1936.
Sylvia Rowell, circa 1935.
Hilda V. Rush, Queens Hospital, Portland, ME, circa 1935.
Dorothy Ryder, circa 1934.
I also tentatively identified Aline Roy circa 1935, but I am not confident in the identification. Continue reading
Bishop, Robinson, Rogers, Roper, Ross, & Strout
I identified six people in five photo sets this week:
Cora Bishop (née Strout), circa 1934.
Flora Robinson, Feb. 1935.
Alice Rogers, circa 1934.
Beatrice Roper (née Bishop), circa 1934.
Joan Adelle Ross, Nov 1935.
Myra Ross, circa 1934. Continue reading
Photo Friday – Dugan (née Wentworth), Robbins, & Robinson.
Ethel Wight Collection – Part 126 By Don Taylor This week, for Photo Friday, I identify the people in five more envelopes from the Ethel Wight Studio Collection[i]. The envelopes typically contain the name of the person who paid for … Continue reading