Tag Archives: PhotoID
Photo Friday – Stelle, Stevens & Stinson
This week, I identified all six people in my photo sets:
Kathryn Rose Stelle (née Smith), circa 1934.
Evelyn Stevens, circa 1935 (age 1).
Marie Stevens, Student Nurse at St. Barnabas Hospital, circa 1935.
Marjorie Stevens, Student Nurse at St. Barnabas Hospital, circa 1935.
William Stevens, circa 1935 (age 4).
Gladys Stinson (née Watkins) (later Turner), circa 1934. Continue reading
Soule, Stacy, Stanley, & Star Photos
This week, I identified five people in my photo sets:
William A Soule, Jr., circa 1935 (age 11)
Mary Stacy, circa 1935.
James G. Stanley, circa 1934.
Miss Carolyn Stanley, circa 1934.
Ida Star, circa 1934. Continue reading
Small, Smith, Stokes, and Sweetser.
This week, I identified four of five people in my photo sets:
Alwilda Small, circa 1934 (age 16).
Arline Smith (Nursing Student), circa 1935.
Margaret Stokes, circa 1934
Virginia Sweetser, circa 1935 Continue reading
Photo Friday – Shuft & Silke
This week, I identified four of five people in my photo sets:
Alicia Silke, circa 1934 (later McCarthy).
Donald Silke, circa 1935 (age 1).
Kathleen M Silke, circa 1934 (later Murray).
Mary Frances Silke, circa 1935 (age 3). Continue reading
Selberg, Semple, Severence, & Severino
This week, I identified four of seven people in my photo sets:
Josephine Severino, Nurse, circa 1935,
Phyllis Semple, circa 1935,
Inga Selberg, circa 1934, &
Eileen Severence, circa 1936 Continue reading