Tag Archives: PhotoID
Farnum Vergil Wood, Circa 1942
Today, I examined two photos. One was titled Orvgil [sic] Wood, and the other says Virgil Word. Both photos indicate 1942, and one says Saco. Both photo packages appear to be of the same young man wearing church attire. Continue reading
Photo Friday – Two Ridlon Boys and the “Webber Lodge”
Ethel Wight Collection – Parts 155b & 155cPhoto FridayBy Don Taylor Everett & Wesley Ridlon, c. 1936. Today, I examined another photo package from the Ethel Wight Studio in Portland, Maine[i]. The envelope this negative was in says, “Mrs. E. N. … Continue reading
Thomas and Alma Henniger, circa 1940s.
I examined a photo titled “Mr. & Mrs. Hennegun.” I believe it is a photo of Thomas and Alma (Ettinger) Henniger. Continue reading
Hodsdon, The King’s Daughters, and more.
I identified one person, learned about the King’s Daughters, and saw a beautiful photo of a woman and her cat. Continue reading
Photo Friday – Libby, Sewall, & Shores.
This week, I identified three more people from the Linwood Dyer Collection:
· Etta Libby, circa 1899.
· Arthur Sewall, circa 1899.
· Clifford M. Shores – Oakland, Cal. – Christmas 1919. Continue reading