Tag Archives: PhotoID
Photo Friday – Dunstan Grammar Class of 1941
I examined a photo album from the SHS Photo Collection of photos titled “Dunstan [Grammar] Class of 1941.” It consisted of photos of 34 students (32 identified) and two teachers. Continue reading
Photo Friday – Dunstan Grammar Class of 1939.
I examined a photo album from the SHS Photo Collection of photos titled Dunstan [Grammar] Class of 1939 and identified 26 of 28 students. Continue reading
Photo Friday – 87th Seabees, Jefferson Theatre, & more.
Don Taylor examines and shares several historic photos from the Ethel Wight Collection. These include images of the 87th Seabees in 1943, a lithograph by Stow Wengenroth, the Jefferson Theater in 1933, women and farmhouses in 1947, and unidentified women from 1941. He hopes to reunite the photos with family members. Continue reading
Photo Friday – Dennett (née Parks), Kunkle, & Wight
Don Taylor examined five envelopes from the Ethel Wight Studio Collection and identified subjects of the photos: Rev. Dr. Edward C. Kunkle, Virginia Parks Dennett, and Leora La Fond (Hart) Wight. Photos were provided under the paid names, not necessarily of the individuals pictured. Taylor uploaded the identified photos to Family Search Memories. Two images of an unknown woman, whom he believed to be Barbara M Parks, and a dog named “Mrs. Woodward’s Dog – 1945” couldn’t be explicitly identified. Continue reading
Small Family, (née Dresser & Newall) (married Porter & Burnside), circa 1871.
This week, I identified six people from the Linwood Dyer Collection:
Abigail Ann (Small) Porter of Lancaster, N.H.
Dr. Horatio Nelson & Harriet (Newall) Small of Portland, Me.
Hon. John Chase & Mary Schuyler (Dresser) Small of Portland, Me.
Sallie Emery (Small) Burnside of Lancaster, N.H. Continue reading