Linwood Dyer Collection – Part 003 Photo Friday By Don Taylor
I identified six people for “Photo Friday” in a (circa) 1871 photo from the Linwood Dyer Collection. This collection includes hundreds of photos, documents, and genealogies of people who lived in Scarborough, South Portland, Cape Elizabeth, and Portland, Maine. I analyze the images and to reunite the photos with family members who may have never seen the picture.
Identifying information for this photo includes handwriting on the back of the frame and the back of the photo glass that says:
“Harriet (Newall) Small of Portland, Maine, Abigail Ann (Small) Porter of Lancaster, NH,
“Hon. John Chase Small of Portland, Maine, Dr. Horatio Nelson Small of Portland, Maine, Sallie Emery (Small) Burnside of Lancaster, NY.
“Mary Schuyler (Dresser) Small.
“Taken – Portland, Maine sometime between 1870-1871.”
A sticker label indicates Robertson’s Picture and Gift Shop, Portland.
What I learned while researching this photo.
Hon. John Chase & Mary Schuyler (Dresser) Small.
In my post, Photo Friday – Merrill & Small (Linwood Dyer Collection – Part 001), I reviewed Sally Burnside Small. I learned then that her parents were John Chase Small (1842-1923) and Mary Schuyler (Dresser) Small (1847-1943).
In this photo, the man on the left is labeled as being the Honorable John Chase Small. The woman in the front is labeled as his wife, Mary Schuyler (Dresser) Small.
This photo, purporting to be taken about 1870, would portray John, about 27, and Mary, about 22 years old.
Dr. Horatio Nelson & Harriet (Newall) Small.
Ancestry trees suggest Horatio Nelson Small is the older brother of John C. Small. He married Harriet Newell in 1862[i]. Horatio and John are sons of Richard and Abigail Ann “Abby” (Jose) Small.
Abigail Ann (Small) Porter of Lancaster, N.H.
Abigail married Horace Porter on 9 November 1870 in Lancaster, New Hampshire. This suggests the photo was probably taken about 1871.
Sallie Emery (Small) Burnside
Sallie is the oldest of the four children of Richard and Abigail (Jose) Small. She married David Burnside. David died in 1872, and Sallie married Ossian Roy on 16 October 1872, suggesting this photo was taken before her remarriage.
I am confident this photo shows the two sons (and their wives) and the two daughters of Richard and Abigail Small, taken about 1871.
I would love to hear your reaction if any of these photos are of your family member. Especially if this photo is of a loved one for whom you hadn’t seen this photograph before.
Ethel Wight Collection. – Part 155d & 155e Photo Friday By Don Taylor
Farnum Vergil Wood, circa 1942.
Today, I examined two photo packets. One was titled Orvgil [sic] Wood, and the other says Virgil Word. Both photo packets indicate 1942, and one says Saco. Both photo packages appear to be of the same young man wearing church attire.
What I learned while analyzing this photo package:
The 1940 US Census indicates he was 18 years old, born in Vermont, the son of John (and Elsie Vaun) Algrove, and lived in St Johnsbury, Vermont, in 1935.
Oceana, the Old Orchard Beach High School yearbook for 1940 (Image 25[i]), includes a photo of Virgil Wood. The photos in this collection are clearly of the same young man.
Vermont Birth Records, 1909-2008, indicate Farnum Vergil Wood was born on 21 February 1922 in St. Johnsbury, VT. His parents were Harold Wood and Vaun Annis both born in Vermont.
I am quite sure these photos are of Farnum Vergil Wood.
Ethel Wight Collection – Parts 155b & 155c Photo Friday By Don Taylor
Everett & Wesley Ridlon, c. 1936.
Today, I examined another photo package from the Ethel Wight Studio in Portland, Maine[i]. The envelope this negative was in says, “Mrs. E. N. Ridlon, #1027 – 27 Providence St. In another pen and hand is a note: “Saco?” The photos appear to be of two boys, one 11-14 and the other 7-10 years old.
What I learned while analyzing this photo package:
The 1940 US Census lists Everett W Ridlon and his family living at 29 Providence Street in Portland. The household included Everett, his wife Annie J, and his two sons, Everett G. (age 17) and Wesley W (age 8).
The photo package number, #1027, suggests the photo was taken about 1936.
Everett Gilbert Ridlon was born on 10 Dec 1922 and died on 27 Jun 2004.
Wesley Wallace Ridlon was born on 3 Jun 1932 and died on 21 Jan 2023.
I am sure this photo, taken in 1936, is of Everett and Wesley when they were 14 and 4.
Ancestry has 12 public trees that refer to Everett Gilbert Ridlon. Ancestry has one public tree that refers to Wesley Wallace Ridlon. Family Search has profile G7Y9-QSG for Everett and profile G7Y9-MNC for Wesley. I uploaded this photo of them to their Family Search Memories.
Mrs. Howard – Mr. Webber’s Lodge – 1940 (Saco?)
A third photo envelope in this week’s examination read, ”Mrs. Howard – Mr. Webber’s Lodge – Bay [rim?] – 1940 ‘Saco’”
After extensive searching, I have been unable to find a Webber’s Lodge or anything similar in the Biddeford-Saco-Ocean Park area. I found nothing in “Boarding and Rooms,” “Cottages and Residences,” or “Hotels” in the 1939 Biddeford City Directory.
This photo package consists of two photos of a beautiful home/lodge and five photos of the beach area and some beachgoers.
Two photos from the “Mrs. Howard” package.
I posted one photo of the lodge/inn/cottage and one photo of beachgoers here. I posted the rest of the images to my Flickr Photostream.
I would love to hear your reaction if any of these photos are of your family member or if you believe you know where this cottage/inn/lodge was located. Ultimately, my goal is to reunite the pictures with family members who may have never seen the images.
[i] The Wight Studio was in Portland, Maine. Many thanks to Ethel Wight’s family for access to and permission to use the collection of their great aunt.
Ethel Wight Collection – Part 155a Photo Friday By Don Taylor
As I get close to the end of my examination of the Ethel Wight Collection[i]., I’ve decided to examine each photo package/envelope in a separate article. I will keep five IDs in each part but add a letter so there will be an “a” to “e” added to the part number. I will continue using this format in future collections (I have several to work on). Ultimately, my goal is to reunite the photos with family members who may have never seen the image.
Thomas and Alma Henniger, circa 1940s.
This photo is from the Ethel Wight Studio, Portland, Maine. The negative envelope says, “Mr. & Mrs. Hennegun – 1945.” The three images appear to be of 2 adults in their 60s or 70s. The package writing is typical of photo reproductions rather than original photos taken at the Studio. As such, the date 1945 is most like the date of the reproduction.
My Analysis
What I learned while examining this photo package:
After looking at the Portland City Directories for people whose surname begins with “Henn.” I’ve concluded that the surname written here is “Hennigar.”
The 1938 Portland Directory lists XXX candidates with the surname Hennigar:
Anna T (widow Oscar W) residing at 261 Elm in South Portland.
Frederick B (Margaret E), who lived at 409½ Park av.
James E (Helen B) home at 89 Murray
Thomas (Alma) 35 Mabel.
Anna does not appear in the 1940 US Census. However, the other three are listed:
56-year-old Frederick & 54-year-old Margaret living at 409½ Park Avenue.
54-year-old James with 47-year-old Helen living at 89 Murray.73-year-old Thomas & 69-year-old Alma are living at 35 Mabel
The couple in the photo appear to be in their sixties or seventies, leaving all but Thomas and Alma old enough to be the couple in these photos.
According to Zillow, the home at 35 Mabel was built in 1851. Looking at the photos, the house the couple is standing by is a two-story and has a similar feel to the building in the photograph.
I believe these photos to be of Thomas and Alma Hennigar, taken in the early 1940s and reproduced by Ethel Wight in 1945.
Ancestry has 52 public trees that refer to Thomas Hennigar, husband of Alma (Ettinger) Hennigar. Alma Ettinger, wife of Thomas Hennigar, appears in 53 Ancestry public trees
Thomas and Alma have family search profiles; however, I am not 100% confident these photos are of them, so besides this photo, I’ve uploaded all three pictures of this couple only to my Flickr Photostream.
Final Note
I would love to hear your reaction if any of these photos are of your family member. Especially if this photo is of a loved one for whom you hadn’t seen this photograph before.
[i] The Wight Studio was in Portland, Maine. Many thanks to Ethel Wight’s family for access to and permission to use the collection of their great aunt.
Ethel Wight Collection – Part 154 Photo Friday By Don Taylor
I examined five more envelopes from the Ethel Wight Studio Photo Collection this week for Photo Friday. These last few envelopes are challenging to research and often lack the information to learn who is in the photos. I try to analyze the pictures and information to identify the people or places therein.[i] Ultimately, my goal is to reunite the photos with family members or others who may be interested in the images.
Appears to be Helena Hodsdon, circa 1934.
This negative envelope says, “Helena Hodsdon #14 – Made by Mr. Spurling.”
What I learned from researching this photo.
In Part 61 of this series, I reviewed Helena Susan Hodsdon of 217 Stevens Ave. She was the daughter of Herbert S. and Helena C. Hodsdon. This photo is clearly not of her.
In Part 151 of this series, I reviewed a photo package that said, “Helena Hodsdon – was a good friend of Ethel Wight (fellow artist). I was not 100% convinced that person was Helena, Herbert’s wife, and Helena Susan Hodsdon’s mother.
The April 23, 1934, Portland Evening Express (page 6) show a photo of a group presenting “The Village Skewl” at the South Portland High School Auditorium. That cast photograph shows Mrs. Helena Hodsdon who was in the play. Based upon my previous research and this cast photo, I believe this is a photo of Helena Curtis (Morris) Hodsdon from the early 1930s.
Because I cannot associate any other information regarding this individual in this photo, or who Mr. Spurling is, I can only say that this photo appears to be of Helena Hodsdon, circa 1934. As such, I have only posted the photo here and to Dead Fred.
Two Early King’s Daughters Circles (Portland, Me.) circa 1888.
This negative envelope says, “Miss Scribiner’s copy – 1949 (Kings Daughters?).” This collection includes two photos. Both appear to be reproductions of photos taken much earlier. The first photo is inscribed on the bottom, “My first Group of Kings Daughters” and consists of 11 women. The second photo includes 14 women. Both photos were taken on the wide steps of an ornate brick building with columns and planters.
What I learned researching this.
On July 26th, 1887, Miss Margaret Bottome, of New York gave a Bible Talk on The King’s Daughters” at the State Steet Chapel.
On 9 August 1888, the Portland Daily Press reported that the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union Conference was devoted to the King’s Daughters society.
On 5 November 1888, the Portland Daily Press reported that Mrs. Arthur L. Bates and Miss Mable Stevens were chosen president and secretary of the King’s Daughter by the residents of Grand and High Streets.
The King’s Daughters, Circle No. 1, then hosted parlor entertainment and a fair on 14 November 1888 at the residence of Mrs. S. D. Brown, No 6 Locust Street.
Quickly afterwards, on 17 November, ten young girls met at 125 Emery Street and formed another society of King’s Daughters. This second group was connected with the Williston Sunday school. During December, the Emery Street ‘Daughters completed work that was to be sent to girls at the missionary school at Frankfort, Alabama[ii]. Meanwhile the Grand and High streets gave delightful parlor entertainment at R. H. Turner’s, 33 Deering Street.
On Christmas Day, 1888, the Portland Daily Press ran an article about “The Kings Daughters | What they are doing in Portland and Elsewhere and the Rapid Increase of Benevolent Organization.
It spoke of the first circle being organized in New York city by Mrs. Bottome, Miss Georgiana Libby, daughter of Mrs. F. O. Libby of Portland[iii], and others.
As originally organized, each circle consisted of ten girls united in charitable work. They also made clothing for the “thinly clad” and food for the “sick poor.”
On 23 May (1888) Mrs. Stephen Brown of the Chestnut Street church call her Sunday school class together and organized a group, assisted by Miss Libby, secretary of the Central circle in New York as the first circle of King’s Daughters in Portland. These young ladies consisted of: Lillian Rash, Florence Callahan, Lillie Hall, Nancy Griffin, Daisy Ogilvie, Mable Sawyer, Mable Hanson, Nellie Sayder, Lissie Jencks, and Alice Wormwood. Mrs. Brown’s circle labor for the motherless and poor children.
Miss Alberta Thompson organized a Circle about the same time as Mrs. Brown. Instead of limiting the number of members to the traditional ten, she admitted some twenty or more girls. They are named the Inasmuch Circle of the King’s Daughters.
Just before Thanksgiving, Mrs. S. F. Pearson’s Sabbath school class met at her house on Wilmot Street and formed a circle of ten. Mrs. Pearson was elected president, Miss Lilla Burns vice president, and Miss Laura Files, secretary and treasurer.
A circle was formed at Williston church and another up town named the Grant and High Street circle and some half dozen circled form in the city with new one being formed.
On 28 December 1888 a letter to the editor indicated the first King’s Daughters circle formed in Portland in September 1886. The “Alpha Ten” formed in the State Street Church and was addressed by Mrs. Bottome and Miss Libby in the summer of 1887.
By July 1889, the King’s Daughters reported the order numbered about 100,000 members.[iv]
My research hasn’t determined who Mrs. Scribner was or which King’s Daughters Circle she was a part of. Likewise, I have not determined the place the photo was taken. (Although I suspect it was 6 Locust st, across from St Paul’s Church in Portland – Today it is a parking lot.) The King’s Daughters continue today.[v]
I am quite certain these photos represent two of the early Circles of King’s Daughters in Portland, Maine, probably from the late 1880s.
Mrs. Brooks’ Mother & Cat, 1945.
This negative envelope says, “Mrs. Brooks’ Mother – Dec 1945.”
What I learned from researching this photo.
There are many, many “Mrs. Brooks” in Portland during the 1940s. The 1940 City directory includes over 20 “Mrs. Brooks” in Portland. Any of them could be the Mrs. Brooks in this photo. We expect that her mother will have a different surname, so this photo could be of many individuals and is undeterminable.
One photo included Mrs. Brooks’ mother and her cat and is particularly adorable and well worth posting here.
Unknown Fogg (women), 1949.
This negative envelope says, “Miss Fogg’s Mother & group – 1949.”
What I learned researching this photo.
There are many individuals this photo may apply to. Based upon the envelope notes, I am unable to identify any of the individuals.
Unknown (Clinton Nursery?) Building, 1937.
The envelope this negative appears to say, “Clinton Nursey 1937 – Building.” It consists of four photos of a building under construction. It includes three construction workers, none of whom are recognizable.
While examining this photo package I learned:
My review of Newspapers.Com failed to find any entries for “Clinton Nursery.” Likewise, my search for “Clinton AND ‘building permit’” on Newspapers.Com failed to find any useful results.
A walkalong Clinton Steet in Portland[vi] and a walk along Clinton Street in South Portland[vii], failed to yield any structures, not even the building density, shown in these photos. My review of Clinton, Maine[viii], failed to find any locations with the building density shown in this photo.
I failed to identify this building under construction. As such, this is the only place I’ve uploaded the image. I do have three more similar images available upon request.
I identified one individual whose photo I uploaded her photo to Dead Fred.
I learned a lot about “The King’s Daughters” social groups in Portland.
I would love to hear your reaction if any of these photos are of your family member. Especially if this photo is of a loved one for whom you hadn’t seen this photograph before.
Due to software limitations, the images uploaded to Family Search, Dead Fred, and Flickr have higher quality than those linked here.
For all postings of the Ethel Wight Collection, please see here.
[i] These images were converted to positives using a lightbox, a Nikon camera and computer software.
[ii] The Portland Daily Press – 11 Dec 1888, Page 4, Column 1 “King’s Daughters.”
[iii] Georgianna Howard Libby, born 12 Jan 1845 in Portland, Maine. Died 22 Dec 1915 in Manhattan, NY City, NY. She is #5-7-8-1-1-2-3 in The Libby Family in America 1602-1881 Page 494. She never married.
[iv] The Portland Daily Press – 10 Jul 1998, Page 3, Column 1 “The Home-Notes About Women.”
[v] Newspapers.Com has over 3,000 matches for “King’s Daughters” from 1887 to 2023. My searches failed to find “Scribiner” in any of them.