Part 1 of 2 – Cover Page & Will Papers
Amanuensis Monday[i]
Project Bradley-Hingston
Transcription by Don Taylor
Probate Record for William C. Bradley – Probate Date 16 Aug 1901, Philadelphia, PA, Case number 1405 – 10 images. Original data: Pennsylvania County, District and Probate Courts.[ii]
Document Image
Cover Page
Estate of William C Bradley
Application for Probate and Letters Testamentary
Filed: Aug 16 A.D. 1901
Jacob Singer, Register
Letters Testamentary $15.50
Certificate, 2Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 1.00
Paid          16.50
Will Papers
In the Matter of the Probate of the last Will and Testament of William Cameron Bradley Deceased.
The Petition of Emily S. Bradley respectfully showeth that she is the Executrix named in the last Will and Testament of William Cameron Bradley dated 19th day of July A. D. 1887. That said William Cameron Bradley was a resident of Philadelphia County, State of Pennsylvania, and departed this life at number 608 North 17th Street, Philadelphia in the County of Philadelphia and the State of Pennsylvania on Tuesday the 6th day of August A. D. 1901 at 5 o’clock A.M.
The said testator was possessed of personal property to the value of $1992.00 and of real estate (less incumbrance) to the value of $8000.00 as near as can be ascertained, situated as follows: House and lot, S.E. corner Evergreen and Prospect Avenues, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Penn, and house and lot at 1323 Mt. Vernon Street, Philadelphia, Penn.
Therefore, the said Emily S Bradley respectfully applies for Probate of the said last Will and Testament and for Letters Testamentary thereon.
Dated August 16th A. D. 1901.
[s/] Emily S. Bradley
This document confirms several other documents, including the date and place of death for William C. Bradley. It also indicates that William owned two properties at the time of his death. The house at 1323 Mt. Vernon Street is no longer in existence. The current building at that address was built in 1965[iii].
However, the house at the S.E. Corner of Evergreen and Prospect Avenues in Chestnut Hill Philadelphia is still there. Its current address is 400 Evergreen and according to Trulia, it was built in 1860[iv]. Today it looks like:
The 1900 Census indicated he lived at 608 North Seventeenth. At that time, he lived in an extended family consisting of him, his wife, five children, a sister, a sister-in-law, and a servant.
[i] John Newmark started the “Amanuensis Monday” category in 2009 on his Blog,  Transylvanian Dutch and many bloggers have followed suit using the tag. Google provides the following meaning for amanuensis: “A literary or artistic assistant, in particular ,one who takes dictation or copies manuscripts.”
[ii] Pennsylvania, Wills and Probate Records, 1683-1993 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015.
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