Ethel Wight Collection – Part 128
Photo Friday
By Don Taylor
This week, for Photo Friday, I identify the people in five more envelopes from the Ethel Wight Studio Collection[i]. The envelopes typically contain the name of the person who paid for the photos, not necessarily of the individual portrayed in the image. As such, it is vital to analyze the pictures and information to identify the individual therein.[ii] Ultimately, my goal is to reunite the photos with family members who may have never seen the image.
 Dorothy Ryder, circa 1934.
The envelope this negative was in says, “Miss Dorothy Ryder, 12 Quincy St #432.”
Why I believe this to be the individual.
- The 1935 Portland City Directory lists Dorothy L Ryder as employed at 307 Cumberland and residing at 12 Quincy. Also, at 12 Quincy lived Mrs. Estora L Ryder and Roy M Ryder.
- The 1930 US Census listed Dorothy L Ryder, age 16, living with her parents, Fred & Estora Ryder. Also in the household is Dorothy’s brother Roy M Ryder.
I am confident this is Dorothy L Ryder, born 17 Feb 1914, about 1934, when she was 20.
Ancestry has 26 public trees that include Dorothy L Ryder, the daughter of Frederick & Estora (Doughty) Ryder. Family Search has profile GSCY-7FR for Dorothy. I have uploaded two photos of Dorothy to her Family Search Memories.
[She] “looks like Aunt Dot,” says a nephew.
[She is] definately Aunt Dot,” says another nephew.Â
Hilda V. Rush, Queens Hospital, Portland, ME, circa 1935.
This negative envelope says, “Miss H. V. Rush, Queens Hospital #558.”
Why I believe this to be the individual.
- The 1935 Portland City Directory lists Hilda V Rush, a student nurse at 218 State (Queen’s Hospital).
- The 1940 US Census lists Hilda V Rush as a registered nurse at a doctor’s office. Hilda was 28 years old and born in Maine.
- The 1930 US Census lists Hilda V Rush, the 18-year-old daughter of Harry & Anne Rush, living in Millinocket, Maine.
I identify this photo as showing Hilda Veronica Rush (1911-1988), the daughter of Henry “Harry” and Anne (Whalen) Rush.
Ancestry has 22 public trees that refer to Hilda Veronica Rush. Family Search has profile LT18-F8F for Hilda. I have uploaded a photo of Hilda to her Family Search Memories.
Sylvia Rowell, circa 1935,
This negative envelope says, “Miss Sylvia Rowell, 163 Neal St. #645.”
Why I believe this to be the individual.
- The 1935 Portland City Directory lists Sylvia S Rowell as a music teacher working and residing at 163 Neal. Also at 163 Neal are William B, Frances E, and Gilbert R Rowell.
- Ancestry Family Trees suggest this is Sylvia Sherman Rowell, daughter of William B and Frances (Rounds) Rowell. She is also the sister of Gilbert R Rowell. Sylvia was born on 10 Jun 1913 in Portland; she married Waldo Earle Harwood, Jr on 17 Jun 1939.
I am confident this photo is of Sylvia in 1935 when she was a music teacher.
Ancestry has five public trees that refer to Sylvia Sherman Rowel. Family Search has profile L1S9-LXZ for Sylvia. I uploaded a photo of her to her Family Search Memories.
Possibly Aline Roy, circa 1935.
This negative envelope says, “Mrs. Napoleon Roy, 76 Emery St #426.”
What I learned about this individual.
- The 1935 Portland City Directory lists Napoleon and Alexina Roy living at 76 Emery. Also living at 76 Emery is Rita B Roy, who works as a maid.
- The 1930 US Census indicates that Napoleon and Alexina Roy lived at 55 Atlantic Street in Portland. They have three daughters, Germaine, Rita, and Yvette. Yevette was nine years old in 1930, making her about 14 years old in 1935 when this photo was taken.
- The 1940 US Census indicates that Napoleon and Alexina Roy lived at 72 Park Avenue. Besides Yvette, they have a nine-year-old daughter, Aline. In 1935, when this photo was taken, Aline would be about four years old. Four seems a bit young for the girl in this photo.
The girl in this photo appears to be about six or seven to me, so I’m not confident this is Aline. I think it is more likely for this photo to be of Aline than a photo of Yvette.
I have not found Aline in Ancestry trees; however, I have found her father, Napoleon Roy, in seven public Ancestry trees. I have not identified the individual in this photo sufficiently to upload Dead Fred, so I only include the individual’s image here.
I would really like to hear from you if you can confirm the child’s identity in this photo.
Virginia Carlstrom, circa 1936.
This negative envelope says, “Virginia Rowan, 785 Congress St. #1028.”
Why I believe this to be the individual.
- The 1940 US Census lists a Virginia Carlstrom living with her mother, Gertrude Rowan, at 54 Adams. Virginia is 19 years old, and Gertrude is 50. Both were born in Maine.
- Ancestry Family Trees suggest that Virginia Carlestrom is the daughter of James and Gertrude (Curran) Carlestrom. Gertrude later married John Rowen.
- Virginia Carlstrom was born on 12 Mar 1921 in Portland to James and Gertrude (Curran) Carlstrom. and died on 3 Mar 1944 in Portland, Maine. Virginia Carlstrom married Alexander Grimaldi on 1 Sep 1941 and died on 3 Mar 1944.
Virginia Carlstrom is found in five Ancestry public trees. Family Search does not appear to have a profile for Virginia, so I uploaded a photo of Virginia to Dead Fred.
- I identified four of the five Three have Family Search profiles, so I uploaded their images to their Family Search Memories. One did not have a Family Search profile, so I uploaded her photo to Dead Fred.
- I could not confidently identify one individual; her photo is only uploaded here.
I will love to hear your reaction if any of these photos are of your family member. Especially if this photo is of a loved one for whom you hadn’t seen this photograph before.
For all postings of the Ethel Wight Collection, please see here.
[i] The Wight Studio was in Portland, Maine. Many thanks to Ethel Wight’s family for access to and permission to use the collection of their great aunt.
[ii] These images were converted to positives using a lightbox, a Nikon camera and computer software.
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