Five Photos – Three new people

Britt, Britt, Parker, Cragg, & Hunt
Photo Friday
By Don Taylor

Photo of Don Taylor with cat Nasi.Two of the photos this week were new photos of people I had researched before. The third photo is of a person I identified. Fourth, I think I determined the individual, which then lead to the identification of another person I researched months ago. Finally, the last photo I’m pretty sure I know who it was, but I can’t confirm. I will follow-up that one up with some newspaper research.

   M. Maude Britt –  Philip J. Britt –  Parker –  Beatrice Cragg  –  Arthur M. Hunt

Philip J. Britt

The back of the photo says, “A Merry Christmas to Evie & Perley from Phill. | Philip J. Britt.

 I’ve researched Philip J. Britt before and posted several photos of him previously. See The Britt’s of New Brunswick, Canada. This is one more photo of him on the steps of a house. He appears younger, without a mustache, but has a similar hat and face.  

On Family Search, he is KH52-8J6. The photo doesn’t provide a close enough detail of his face to be added to Family Search, but I’d love to reunite the photo with the family.

M. Maude Britt

The back of the photo says, “M. Maude Britt in center” and “Some of the Frilly Toughs.”

Again, I had researched this family before and had encountered Maud Britt, the sister of Philip J. Britt. Although considerably older, this appears to be the same woman as I posted previously. I believe this to be a photo of that individual.

The photo doesn’t provide a close enough detail of her face to be added to Family Search, but I’d love to reunite the photo with the family.

Arthur M. Hunt

The back of the photo says, “From Arthur M. Hunt Stacyville Maine – Arthur M. Hunt.” The photo is a small cabinet card.

Stacyville is a town in Penobscot County, Maine.

In 1906, an Arthur M. Hunt, who lived in Stacyville, married Jessie M. Morrill. That Arthur was born 9 October 1882 in Stacyville. I have no doubt this photo is of him when he was about 13 or 14 years old, placing the photo “circ 1895.” Further searches for an “Arthur Hunt” in the  Stacyville are yielded no additional candidates.

On Family Search his ID is 2Z3L-L8V.


The back of the photo says, Parker, which appears to be a surname because it is on the far right. The photo is by “London Photo.”

I had seen a photo from London Photo previously in this project. Last February I posted an Uncertain Photo ID for Caroline Parker which included multiple candidates.

So, with three assumptions,

    1. His father’s surname “Parker.”
    2. His mother’s given name was “Caroline.”
    3. Events took place in Maine.

There were three individuals who fit the criteria in a Family Search, search.

    1. Benjamin, born c. 1875 in Aroostook County.
    2. John H, born March 1876 in Aroostook County.
    3. Delbert Kincaid, born 14 Jan 1855 in Madison, Somerset County.

Further research indicated that there was a “London Photography” in Palmyra. But, I don’t have what dates it might have existed. I’ve asked to join the Palmyra Maine Historical Society group on Facebook. Requires Follow-up.

Beatrice Cragg

The back of the photo says, “Beatrice Cragg | Portland Maine.”  The photo is by “The Lamson Studio – Portland, ME”

There was a Beatrice Baker Cragg, daughter of John Fox and Jean Isabel Cragg who was born 7 Aug 1895. I believe this to be a photo of her, probably at a confirmation or other religious ceremony when Beatrice was about 11 or 12 years old. However, I am not confident beyond a doubt that this is her.

There does not appear to be a Family Search ID for Beatrice Baker Cragg. I posted a copy of the image to Dead Fred.


  • Determine if there was a “London Photography” in Palmyra, Maine in the 1860s.
  • See if Beatrice Craig appears in a newspaper article of the time with a religious ceremony about that time.

Final Note

If you are related to any of these individuals or can help confirm the identity, I’d love to hear from you.


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One Response to Five Photos – Three new people

  1. Berta Jackson says:

    I am related to Thomas Orlando Harris and Adelaide (Addie) Their daughter, Dorothy Edith Harris Skillings was my grandmother.

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